FTX NodeJS Client

Core functions for a trading bot using FTX

This is a Typescript file for connecting to and interacting with the crpyto exchange FTX. I'm using the ftx-api npm module for making trades with an automated trading bot.

require('dotenv').config(); import { RestClient } from 'ftx-api'; import { RestClientOptions } from 'ftx-api/lib/util/requestUtils'; import { BUY_PERCENT, QUOTE, TRAILING_STOP_PERCENT } from './config'; import { FTXBalancesResponse, FTXMarket, FTXMarketResponse, FTXMarketsResponse, } from './types'; const { FTX_API_KEY, FTX_API_SECRET } = process.env; const restClientOptions: RestClientOptions = { domain: 'ftxus', subAccountName: 'tradebot', disable_time_sync: true, // without this the call doesn't terminate }; const ftxClient = new RestClient(FTX_API_KEY, FTX_API_SECRET, restClientOptions); // Get market info (symbol: 'BTC') const getMarket = async (symbol: string) => { const response: FTXMarketResponse = await ftxClient.getMarket(symbol + '/' + QUOTE); return response.result; }; // GET USD BALANCE for account const getUsdBalance = async () => { const resp: FTXBalancesResponse = await ftxClient.getBalances(); if ( resp.success && resp.result.length && resp.result.findIndex((x) => x.coin === QUOTE) !== -1 ) { const match = resp.result.find((x) => x.coin === QUOTE); return match ? match.free : 0; } else { return 0; } }; // Get qty based on current price and buy % const qtyToBuy = async (price: number) => { const usdAvailable = await getUsdBalance(); return (usdAvailable * (BUY_PERCENT / 100)) / price; }; const placeTrailingStop = async (market: FTXMarket, size: number) => { const sellParams: any = { market: market.name, size, side: 'sell', trailValue: round(TRAILING_STOP_PERCENT * -0.01 * market.ask, market.priceIncrement), type: 'trailingStop', reduceOnly: true, }; return await ftxClient.placeTriggerOrder(sellParams); }; // Place a buy order and a limit sell order X% below the highest price export const buyAndPlaceTrailingStop = async (symbol: string) => { const market = await getMarket(symbol); const buyPrice = market.bid + market.priceIncrement; const buyQty = round(await qtyToBuy(buyPrice), market.sizeIncrement); const buyParams: any = { market: market.name, size: Math.max(buyQty, market.minProvideSize), side: 'buy', type: 'limit', price: buyPrice, }; const buyResponse = await ftxClient.placeOrder(buyParams); // If successful, place trailing stop sell if (buyResponse.success) { console.log(`~~~ PURCHASED ${symbol} ~~~\n${JSON.stringify(buyResponse.result)}`); const sellResponse = await placeTrailingStop(market, buyResponse.result.size); if (sellResponse.success) { console.log(`~~~ TRAILING STOP (SELL) ~~~\n${JSON.stringify(sellResponse.result)}`); return true; } } return false; }; // Rounds 0.412 to 0.41 if the increment is .01 // this function looks weird because javascript is stupid and doesn't think 0.01 is 1/100 export const round = (num: number, increment: number) => Math.round(num * (1 / increment)) / (1 / increment);

In ./config:

export const BUY_PERCENT = 10; // Every trade buys 10% of the available balance export const TRAILING_STOP_PERCENT = 1; // Will set a sell order trailing 1% below the high export const QUOTE: string = 'USD';

In ./types:

export interface FTXMarketsResponse { result: FTXMarket[]; } export interface FTXMarketResponse { result: FTXMarket; } export interface FTXOrderResponse { createdAt: string; filledSize: number; id: number; market: string; price: number; remainingSize: number; side: 'buy' | 'sell'; size: number; status: 'new' | 'open' | 'closed'; type: 'market' | 'limit'; } export interface FTXMarket { name: string; //"BTC/USD" baseCurrency: string; //"BTC" quoteCurrency: string; //"USD" type: 'spot' | 'future'; enabled: boolean; ask: number; bid: number; last: number; price: number; priceIncrement: number; //0.25 sizeIncrement: number; //0.001 change1h: number; minProvideSize: number; } export interface FTXBalancesResponse { success: boolean; result: { coin: string; total: number; free: number; usdValue: number }[]; }