Cloudinary Upload

Script that lets you upload images to your Cloudinary Media Library using Node.js
import path from 'path'; const cloudinaryCloudName = await env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME'); const cloudinaryKey = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY'); const cloudinarySecret = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET'); const cloudinaryConsoleId = await env('CLOUDINARY_CONSOLE_ID'); await npm('cloudinary'); import cloudinary from 'cloudinary'; const cacheDb = await db('cloudinary-cache', { lastChoice: '', folders: {} }); await; cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: cloudinaryCloudName, api_key: cloudinaryKey, api_secret: cloudinarySecret, secure: true, }); const actions = { CREATE_NEW: 'creating new folder', REFRESH_CACHE: 'refreshing cache', OPEN_DIR: 'opening directory', }; let chosenDirectory = await; let lastSelection; while (true) { // if the last action was to create a new directory then we know the chosen // directory is new and has no folders otherwise we have to wait a few seconds // for the API to be prepared for us to make a request for the contents. const directories = lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW ? [] : await getFolders(chosenDirectory); lastSelection = await arg( `Select directory in ${chosenDirectory}`, [ { name: '.', value: '.', description: '✅ Choose this directory' }, !chosenDirectory ? null : { name: '..', value: '..', description: '⤴️ Go up a directory' }, => ({ name:, value: folder.path, description: '⤵️ Select directory', })), { name: 'Open directory', value: actions.OPEN_DIR, description: '🌐 Open this directory in the browser', }, { name: 'Refresh cache', value: actions.REFRESH_CACHE, description: '🔄 Refresh the cache for this directory', }, { name: 'Create new directory', value: actions.CREATE_NEW, description: '➕ Create a new directory here', }, ].filter(Boolean) ); if (lastSelection === '..') { chosenDirectory = chosenDirectory.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); } else if (lastSelection === '.') { break; } else if (lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW) { const newFolderName = await arg(`What's the new folder name?`); const newDirectory = `${chosenDirectory}/${newFolderName}`; const result = await cloudinary.v2.api.create_folder(newDirectory); delete[chosenDirectory]; chosenDirectory = newDirectory; } else if (lastSelection === actions.REFRESH_CACHE) { delete[chosenDirectory]; } else if (lastSelection === actions.OPEN_DIR) { await openFolder(chosenDirectory); } else { chosenDirectory = lastSelection; } } = chosenDirectory; await cacheDb.write(); const images = await arg({ placeholder: 'Drop the image(s) you want to upload', drop: true, ignoreBlur: true, }); for (const image of images) { const defaultName = path.parse(image.path).name; const name = (await arg({ placeholder: `Name of this image?`, hint: `Default is: "${defaultName}"`, })) || defaultName; const uploadedImage = await cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload(image.path, { public_id: name, overwrite: false, folder: chosenDirectory, }); // If you have multiple files then this isn't really useful unless you have // clipboard history (which I recommend you get!) await copy(uploadedImage.secure_url); } await openFolder(chosenDirectory); function openFolder(folder) { const encodedFolder = encodeURIComponent(folder); console.log('opening'); return exec( `open "${cloudinaryConsoleId}/media_library/folders/${encodedFolder}"` ); } async function getFolders(directory) { const cachedDirectories =[directory]; if (cachedDirectories) { return cachedDirectories; } try { const { folders: directories } = !directory ? await cloudinary.v2.api.root_folders() : await cloudinary.v2.api.sub_folders(directory);[directory] = directories; await cacheDb.write(); return directories; } catch (error) { console.error('error with the directory'); return []; } }

Credit to Kent Dobbs